“Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body.”

   Five amazing yoga poses for kids

Yoga does not require some heavy equipment or large place. It can be done in a room, lawn, or at school or with just yoga mat. Yoga is exercise which can be done by kids very easily. And it should be learn by them so they will stay healthy and fit. Here are some easy and effective yoga poses for kids; these are easy, quick, and safe for everyday practice.

Mountain Pose(Tadasana) 

mountain pose

  1.  Stand straight and tall. Stretch your legs a few inches apart and spread toes.
  2.  Keep the arms alongside the body. 
  3.  The shoulders must be relaxed and not stiff. Raise the arm above your head OR rest them by your sides. Keep hold this position for a while and breathe slowly
Tree Pose(Vrkasana)
tree pose

  1.  Start from the position with the mountain pose, wherein the legs are straight, hands at the sides, back straight, and thigh muscles firm.
  2.  Lift the right foot with the knee out. 
  3.  Place the right foot on the left inner thigh in a position where it feels comfortable. 
  4.  Press the hands together above the head. 
  5.  Gaze at a point about five feet away. Keep hold this position for 25-30 seconds to a minute. 
  6.  Return the hands to the chest and then lower the right leg. Now repeat it on the other leg.
Corpse Pose (Savasana) 
corpse pose
  1.  Lie on the back with legs straight and arms at the sides. 
  2. The arms should be at minimum distance of six inches away from the body. Keep the eyes closed, and palms faced upwards.
  3.  Keep the feet drop open. Breathe normally while resting the body’s weight on the ground. 
  4.  Slowly exhale while relaxing and de-stressing all the body parts. 
  5.  This one is the best and easy for kids yoga pose.
_Hero Pose(Virasana)

  1.  Sit with the knees together and feet hips-width apart. 
  2. Sit on the heels with the heels touching the hips. 
  3.  The hands should rest on the knees with the palm facing up. 
  4.  Straighten the spine and drop the shoulders down and a little towards the back.
  5.  Relax the center of your body while taking deep breaths. Retain the posture for as long as it is comfortable. 
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):
bridge pose
  1. Lie down on the back. Mold the knees a little and keep the feet flat on the floor, Hip-width apart. 
  2.  The knees and ankles must be in a aligned shape. 
  3.  Place the arms in a resting position beside the body, with the palms downwards. 
  4.  Take the breath and the lift the lower, middle, and upper back away from the floor. 
  5.  Balance the body in a way that the arms, shoulders, and feet support the body weight.
  6.  Keep the backside tight. Have the fingers alternate, and hands pushed to the ground to help lift the torso higher.

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