What is meant by the word "fitness."
It means 'capability of a person to do a particular task without feeling fatigued".
We all know that "Rest is death." So, people of every age, whether they are children, teenagers, or adults, must exercise every day. Daily exercise has surprising benefits that I'm going to reveal in this article.
Why is it important to your health
Advantages of exercise or physical activity are numerous, but few of them are given next:
1. Reducing the risk of fatal diseases
Studies have shown that it reduces the risk of some fatal diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. So, daily simple physical activity can strengthen your immunization against these malignant diseases.
2. Helps in developing a strong immune system and maintaining body weight
Daily exercise is found very lucrative in boosting your immunity. When you engage yourself in physical activity, it uplifts the process of respiration, thus drives bacteria out of your body through the lungs or other airways, which reduces the risk of flu, cough, fever, and helps in developing a strong immune system.
Evidence has shown that the only way to lose body weight and keep your body in shape is by doing regular physical activity as obesity is linked with high caloric intake—exercise assists in burning calories, which helps you sustain your body weight and control obesity. As a result, you look more confident, acute, and smart.
3. It also saves your money
When you start investing your time in you and taking care of your health, it will secure your money. For instance, if you're a healthy being, you will need less to see a physician regarding your health issues.
Diseases like cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular, etc., which may be found in a dull being, need a lot of money to be cured otherwise. These can easily be prevented by doing some regular exercise.
4. Helps you with depression and stress
You might have heard the famous saying of pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Thales (Miletus, 624–546 BC) that "a sound mind is in a sound body."
Yes, another preeminent of being fit is the reduction of the most crucial disease like depression.
Exercising regularly not only makes you physically healthy but also mentally fit. Studies in the UK 2017 have shown that exercising daily could also help in curing chronic disease like depression
5. Better sleep
Engaging yourself in some physical activity or spending some of your time in constructive work tires your body and is beneficial in getting early and more restful sleep, which further helps you boost your immune system, support cardiac health, and control stress and anxiety.
6. Increase life expectancy
Daily exercise also increases the life expectancy of humans. According to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), heart and stroke diseases are the world's biggest killers from the last 15 years. (WHO) accounting has reported that 17 million people have died due to heart attacks and strokes in recent years.
Various studies have shown that exercising regularly produces the (HDL) good cholesterol and reduces the protein, which generates blood clots.
As exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases; thus, it increases the life expectancy of a human.
7. Helps in building good terms with others
Exercising daily boosts up your good mood. It increases the secretion of the happiness hormone (endorphin) in a person. The one who exercises persistently becomes more happy, active, and amiable; thus, he enjoys friendly and healthy relationships.
How much exercise should one do?
You don't have to lift heavy weights and run a marathon to become a healthy person, but doing some simple daily exercises of around 30–40 minutes will be enough for you to spend a healthy, happy and long life.
By 2019, UK Chief Medical Officers Physical Activity Guidelines, it is recommended that adults spend 150 minutes(a week)in a moderate-intensity activity like cycling or brisk walking.
According to the studies, the people who engage in any physical activity for 150 minutes were 'active.'
whereas those people who spend less than 30 minutes in exercising were categorized as 'inactive.'
However, if you're an old adult, 30 minutes of exercise is enough for you to stay healthy, burly, and dynamic.
Ways to do exercise
There are many ways to do exercises which are mentioned next:
Muscles, joints, and ligaments can be strengthened by doing some gentle exercises like walking or swimming. In this way, the range of motion can also be maintained or even increased. Some other exercises to strengthen your body and muscles are:
1. Push-ups
2. Squats
3. Planks
4. The bicycle maneuver
5. The side bridge
6. The lunge
7. Push
8. Pull
As you grow old, the risk of some chronic diseases like (heart, bones, mental diseases) in humans also tends to increase. Still, there are certain ways of exercise which will certainly help prevent them, and as a consequence, a person can remain healthy even after 40 years.
These are listed below:
1. To prevent heart diseases, you can do cardiovascular workouts 2–3 times a week.
2. To prevent osteoporosis, you will have to do some high-impact exercises 1–2 times a week. They include:
Going to walk
Light Jog
Dancing etc.
3. For arthritis, strength training, two times a week.
4. For back pain planks for 30–90 seconds, three times a week.
5. To fight depression, Yoga, one time in a week.
Note: If you're patient of the diseases mentioned above or are pregnant, you better need to consult your doctor first before initiating any of these exercises.
How to develop a habit of exercise
Keeping in mind the perks of exercise mentioned above, set your time for exercise in your schedule, the time in which you feel comfortable whether in the morning, evening, or night and stick to it. Make your goals of daily or weekly physical activity and challenge yourself to meet them. Always start small and take baby steps towards your goal. Progress later! Adopt some healthy and active hobbies like hiking, swimming, or cycling. Soon you will succeed in achieving the fitness goal! After completing your goals, encourage and motivate other people around you for exercise by emphasizing the importance of regular physical activity. Good Luck!
written by , Wasia qureshi
published by, iqra noor